news and blogs

“ After the initial development and sharing of many IRRI bred CMS lines & hybrid rice technology, I am sure that the IRRI’s revitalized Hybrid Rice Consortium is better equipped now to  develop & provide the much needed trait specific parental lines to its members. The private sector is now better equipped to further jointly develop & spread the hybrids to enhance the stagnant productivity levels thru the  New Rice Hybrids”

Dr. Ish Kumar

President - Research (Field Crops), Rasi Seeds (P) Ltd Hyderabad - India

“Breeding materials are highly useful to us and very good cooperation from HRDC team at IRRI. We are expecting much more to do together in our mission to address a common problem of world food hunger through HRDC platform”

Dr. Santosh Paikarao

Manager -Rice, Kaveri Seed Company Ltd India

“With the collaboration of HRDC, Department of Agricultural Research (DAR) hopes to provide better hybrids for increasing farmers’ income and better life for new generation.”

Naing Kyi Win

Director General, Department of Agricultural Research Myanmar

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