Be an HRDC member
Interested in becoming a member? HRDC offers five membership levels: platinum, gold, silver, green-platinum and green. You can find out more about the benefits of each membership level below or read through the Guidelines for Public-Private Sector Partnership. Send an email to for more info or if you have specific questions.
Guidelines for Public-Private Sector Partnership in the Hybrid Rice Development Consortium (HRDC), 2023 1.25 MB 224 downloads
March 2023 ...Platinum Membership
- Access to HRDC material
- Access to information, and expertise relevant to hybrid rice sector
- Receives around 40% more material (quantity of seeds and/or number of populations) than Gold member (A, B, and R lines, F2 population)
- Access to IRRI proprietary DNA markers relevant for hybrid rice breeding
- Access to IRRI-proprietary QTLs (individual or pyramided or paired) for biotic stress tolerance and other commercially important traits
- Access to parental material (A/B/R lines) with specific grain quality traits (cooking and eating; and/or milling)
- Access to 2 newly deployed genes or pyramids per year. These will have the following quality metrics:
- a. Introgressions will be in a fully elite, high-yielding background such as IRRI 154 that has good restoring properties.
- b. Recipient parent recovery rates of 95% or higher (typically >98%) to eliminate undesirable donor genome.
- c. Introgression sizes of 2cM or less (typically <500kb) to minimise linkage drag.
- d. Genes will be newly deployed into elite material, i.e. they will be absent or nearly absent from existing elite indica lines.
- e. Delivery will be 10g seed from the near-isogenic introgression line and 10g from the elite recipient parent, along with relevant genotypic information and marker information for selecting the introgressed gene.
- Access to Grain Quality Evaluation services, including:
- a. Provide cooking quality profile of 25 lines (of their choice) comprising parental germplasm and hybrids (every year)
- b. Characterize the influence of amylose chain length visàvis amylopectin to predict texture of 25 lines (every year)
- c. Develop instrumentation based visco-elastic properties on 25 lines to predict cooking and eating quality (every year)
- d. Model factors influencing texture as well as cooking quality properties, matching to benchmark varieties preferred in South Asia and SouthEast Asia (every year)
- e. Improve the restorer and maintainer lines matching best textural preferences (year 2 and 3)
- f. Codevelop hybrids matching best texture and cooking and eating quality (year 4 and 5)
- Access to finished HRDC hybrids for multi-location testing at members’ target locations
- Free and early access to certain additional IRRI-proprietary non-HRDC material for breeding purposes, for the first 15 parental lines; in excess of the 15 parental lines it will be available for a fee (USD 1000/line per year – subject to changes for succeeding years)
- Lesser royalty fee at commercial phase
- Any for-profit organizations or companies that have commercial activities related to rice R&D and/or selling of seeds and other products and Services, including business entities under public organizations
- Commitment to report diligently in writing the results to HRDC
Gold Membership
- Access to HRDC material
- Access to information, and expertise relevant to hybrid rice sector
- Receives the moderate amount of material (A, B, and R lines, F2 population)
- Access to IRRI proprietary DNA markers relevant for hybrid rice breeding
- Access to certain additional IRRI proprietary non-HRDC material for breeding purposes, at an additional cost (USD 1000 /line/year)
- Access to RETA for evaluating finished hybrids of HRDC
- Higher royalty fee at commercial phase
- Any for-profit organizations or companies that have commercial activities related to rice R&D and/or selling of seeds and other products and Services, including business entities under public organizations
- Commitment to report diligently in writing the results to HRDC
Silver Membership
- Access to information and expertise relevant to hybrid rice sector
- Access to starter kit (15-20 parental lines each year) material from HRDC for first and second year of membership (Note: by default, the membership of Silver members active in breeding and/or marketing of rice seed varieties will be upgraded to Gold membership from the third year onwards; All the benefits and annual fee of gold membership eventually will be applied
- All the benefits of “HRDC Gold” from year 3 to 5 of the membership
- Access to RETA for evaluating finished hybrids of HRDC
- Higher royalty fee at commercial phase, after upgrade to Gold
- Participation in HRDC forum
- Possibility to showcase their product, service, and technologies to HRDC members by the way of presentations in HRDC forum
- No access to HRDC materials until upgrade to Gold
- Can nominate one (1) hybrid per year under MRYT
- Any for-profit organizations or companies that have commercial activities related to rice R&D and/or selling of seeds and other products and services, Including business entities under public organizations
- Commitment to report diligently in writing the results to HRDC
Green-Platinum Membership
- Access to HRDC material, information, and expertise relevant to hybrid rice sector
- Access to IRRI proprietary DNA markers relevant for hybrid rice breeding
- Free and early access to certain additional IRRI proprietary non-HRDC material for breeding purposes (up to the first 15 parental lines
- Any not-for-profit organizations or companies that have commercial activities related to rice R&D and/or selling of seeds and other products and Services, including business entities under public organizations.
- Commitment to report diligently in writing the results to HRDC.
Green Membership
- Access to material (HRDC and non-HRDC) shared upon request
- Not-for-profit institutions that are primarily supported by public funds (e.g., government-funded national research institutions, public universities, international or regional research centers, professional organizations with no direct commercial activities, Civil Society and farmers’ organizations with no direct commercial activities etc.)
Do you need more information? Tell us how we can help.