LAHORE –  Hybrid coarse varieties of rice are likely to give 40-50 per cent more yield in Sindh and South Punjab this year. Favourable weather conditions, good and timely rains, improved seed quality and proper technical support from seed companies resulted in more yield that would enhance income of growers.

“Hybrid rice is getting good yield. At least 40-50% more yield is expected this year which means increase in growers income in the same proportions”, said stakeholders of rice sector. “Coarse varieties like Superfine is already in the market for the last couple of weeks. New Superfine is healthy. Same is for hybrid paddy, reaching to peak arrival gradually. Some farmers have 90/100 maunds paddy output which means a healthy return”, said Guard Agricultural Research & Services Limited (GUARD) Chief Executive Officer Shahzad Ali Malik, adding, that an average yield with traditional varieties in South Punjab was 40-50 maunds per acre which with hybrid seed has improved to 100-110 maunds per acre.

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